Natura 2000 Network
The Natura 2000 network (RN2000) is a set of areas of natural interest protected at a European level. The RN2000 concerns all of the EU territory and was established under Directive 92/43 / EEC "Habitats" with the main goal of ensuring the long-term maintenance of natural habitats and threatened or rare species of flora and fauna at EU level. It is comprised of two types of protected areas: 1) the Sites of Community Importance (SCIs), identified by the Member States according to what is set forth by the EU Habitats Directive, which are subsequently designated as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs); 2) the Special Protection Areas (SPAs) classified in accordance with the Birds Directive on the conservation of wild birds (Directive 2009/147/EC). On 7 November 2013 the European Commission approved the latest (the seventh) updated list of Natura 2000 Sites for the three biogeographical regions concerning Italy (alpine, continental, and Mediterranean): 2310 SCIs have been identified (of which 272 have been designated SACs) and 610 SPAs, covering about 19% of the national territory and 4% of the territorial waters. The Emilia Romagna Region can boast 158 Sites. For further information please visit:
La Direttiva 92/43/CEE "Habitat"(ita)
La Direttiva 79/409/CEE "Uccelli"(ita)