LIFE programme
LIFE+ is the EU’s financial instrument supporting the EU environmental policies with particular reference to the implementation of the “Sixth EU Environment Action Programme”. Every year the European Commission launches a call for proposals defining specific topics of interest. The funding can be earmarked to agencies and both public and / or private institutions or entities. Starting from Call 2014, two sub-programmes have been launched: “Environment” and “Climate Actions”.
The “Environment” sub-programme also comprises the so-called traditional projects involving the priority sectors below:
- LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency;
- LIFE Nature and Biodiversity;
- LIFE Environmental Governance and Information;
- LIFE Climate Change Mitigation;
- LIFE Climate Change Adaptation;
- LIFE Climate Governance and Information.
Specifically the Nature and Biodiversity LIFE projects aim at protecting, preserving, restoring, monitoring and promoting natural systems, natural habitats and the way they work as well as wild fauna and flora in order to stop biodiversity loss. In particular the LIFE+ Nature projects, exactly as the BARBIE project, contribute to the implementation of the “Birds” and/or “Habitat” directives, both at a local and at a regional level, and support the further development and management of the
Natura 2000 Network. They can include actions based upon the species (annexes II, IV and/or V of the “Habitat” Directive and on annexes I and II of the “Birds” Directive or species that are regular migrants) or upon the sites/habitats (annexes I or II of the “Habitat” Directive e Annex I of the Birds Directive and additional regularly occurring migratory species).
For further Information:
LIFE Programme
La Direttiva 92/43/CEE "Habitat" (Ita)
La Direttiva 79/409/CEE "Uccelli" (Ita)